Sunday, August 28, 2011

Class Procedures

Mr. McGuire’s Earth Science Class Procedures:
1.  Please be in your seat and have your pencils sharpened and materials out before the bell rings.
2.  You may sharpen your pencils at the beginning of class, or during transitions without asking permission.  Please do not rise and sharpen during instructional time.
3.  You will have warm up work at the beginning of class every day which will graded.
4.  If you have a question or response you will raise your hand and wait to be called on by Mr. McGuire. Absolutely no answering out loud.
5.  When I raise my hand in the air it is your signal to stop what you are doing and give me your attention.
6.  Please do not touch any computer equipment without permission from Mr. McGuire.
7.  Please do not write on any board surface without permission.  You will find the assignment, agenda, and warm up on the board at or near the beginning of class.
8.  Mr. McGuire will dismiss the class NOT THE BELL.  Please remain in your seat until dismissed to pack up and leave.
9.  During announcements students will cease any activity and direct their attention towards the loud speaker or television and remain quit.
10. When turning in assignments please follow all teacher instructions.
11. If you are absent it is your responsibility to retrieve any makeup work that you missed.  Any makeup work can be collected from the proper folder.
12.  Only plastic bottles with caps permitted in class.
13. Materials Needed
a.      Spiral Notebook(college rule 8 ½ X 11)
b.      Sharpened Pencil.
c.      3 ring binder for handouts and worksheets.
14. These procedures must be signed by yourself and a parent or guardian and returned to Mr. McGuire no later than August 31st.  Failure to do so will result in a half hour after school with Mr. McGuire along with a phone call home to your parents.

Detach and return this portion to Mr. McGuire

I acknowledge that my parent or guardian and I have read and understand the above procedures for Mr. McGuire’s Earth and Environmental Science at South Point High School. 

Student’s Signature:__________________________________

Parent’s Signature:__________________________________

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